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Month: June 2015

  • Episode 125: It’s Getting Drafty

    The MLB Draft is upon us, and some fans are starting to worry about the trade deadline already. Andrew Stetka joins us to talk over the Birds' options.

  • Waiting for Matt Wieters

    With the return of Matt Wieters quickly approaching, it's OK to be excited. But history teaches us that we should temper our expectations.

  • De Aza Trade: Missed Opportunities

    We all love to play armchair GM, right? I mean, it’s an easy job. You just spend all of the owner’s limitless supply of cash, and you only sign talented, […]

  • Episode 124: The Language of Glove

    May was a rough month. Now that June is upon us, we open up the Bird's Eye View Poetry Corner. What other choice do we have?