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Month: July 2016

  • Suddenly an Expert on Wade Miley

    The Orioles acquired Wade Miley today, so naturally, we are all experts on him. Check out our own "expert analysis. "

  • Oops, They Did It Again

    Oops, they did it again: Ubaldo Jimenez gets another start. Our musical look back at O's starting pitching, from the 2016 BEVys.

  • Free Baseball, Weird Baseball (O’s Win 3-2)

    The O's won a weird one. There was free baseball, there was weird baseball. But the Win Column is all that matters. Jake provides a "loving" look back.

  • Episode 173: Bird Flu

    The season moves pretty fast. If you don't stop to take a look around, you just might miss it. The BEV Players present "Chris Davis' Day Off."

  • Episode 172: Law and (Batting) Order

    Where were you on #BundayFunday? We were watching in horror. Episode 172 focuses on new lows from starting pitching, and doling out punishments for Crimes Against Birdland.

  • 2016 BEVys

    The 2016 BEVys are here! A loving (and occasionally mean-spirited) look back at the first half, as we hand out some fake hardware, with a little help from our friends.