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Month: July 2017

  • Episode 210: Time to Change

    It was an up-and-down week, so this episode of Bird's Eye View spans all of the emotions. We go Around the Bases and reference the Brady Brunch (sorry).

  • The Lead Was Just a Red Herring

    Another game in which the Orioles snatched defeat from the claws of victory. I thought it might cheer me up to write about the game I wish I had seen, instead.

  • 5th Annual BEVy Awards

    The 2017 BEVys are here! A loving (and occasionally mean-spirited) look back at the first half, as we hand out some fake hardware, with a little help from our friends.

  • Episode 209: All Scar Break

    It's been a while since a four-day break without baseball has seemed so welcome. The Orioles limp into the All Star Break on the back of Jonathan Schoop.

  • Episode 208: How to Root for a Bad Team

    Sometimes the BEV guys talk each other off the ledge. In Episode 208, they quietly encourage the other closer to the brink. It's been a fun week. Buy, sell, and wave the white flag.