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Month: September 2018

  • Episode 255: Mission Accomplished

    In this episode of Bird's Eye View, we revivew some real (honest) headlines, and try to uncover some truthiness in another lift from late night.

  • Episode 254: Winston Churchill

    The season is winding to an end. The guys go Around the Bases to find a little Orioles content, and wander into some Tweatles territory.

  • Episode 253: Womp Womp

    After another disappointing week in Orioles Baseball, we decide to look forward to the upcoming disappointments that await us once the season ends. We name check some past "greats," and bring back the Bad Wheel. There's even a hint of Tweatles. This episode has it all, for a team that has so very little going for it.

  • Episode 252: School Daze

    Another banner week for the Orioles leads us to review the BEV Course Catalog, and start inflating the black balloons.