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Month: April 2019

  • Episode 265: BBSB

    Will you join us in our support of the BBSB? Also, we say nice things about Chris Davis before we lose the chance.

  • Episode 264: This Season Is Taxing

    The tax deadline has come and gone, but whether you owe or not, you must agree that this Orioles season - like Orioles fandom - has become very taxing.

  • Episode 263: A Whole New Board Game

    A week into the season, and the wheels haven't fallen off. That's not meant as backhanded as it sounds - this team is still fun to watch, and we'll take it.

  • Episode 262: Is it Early?

    The 2019 season is here, and yo know what? It's pretty fun so far. Is it too early to enjoy ourselves? We'll allow it.