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Month: June 2021

  • Episode 322: Ship of Theseus

    Scott is out of town, and Zach Wilt steps in to class things up a bit. So naturally, the guys end up discussing formal thought experiments and Jake makes fun of hockey.

  • Episode 323: Kobayashi Maru

    People are angry. An not just because the 2021 ASG jerseys are an abomination. Join us as we try to keep Birdland from tearing itself apart.

  • Episode 321: Minimum Rage

    Another month, another losing streak. Such is the way of Orioles Baseball. Also, it's fun to talk about pitchers and gas cans without talking about them lighting themselves on fire.

  • Episode 320: Moose Mucus

    Things are looking up, and not just because they were so low in May. Means is hurt, but some offensive players are trying to distract us from our existential dread.