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Episode 277: Fall Cleaning

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Leading Off

Last week, Jake was traipsing through Michigan, and Scott was holding his house together with duct tape. This week, we’re back together, in all senses.

And what a week it was! We saw Players’ Weekend (whether we liked it or not), and we saw some fine performances. It was like real baseball!


Join us for The Drink of the Week. Don’t forget to drink socially with us on Untappd.


This Week on the Twitters

Here is what is happening in the world of Orioles Baseball, in 280 characters, or fewer:









Around the Bases


First Base: Players’ Weekend

Jake didn’t like the uniforms, and Scott “politely” reminds him that he’s not the intended audience. However, the Oriole Bird had the best PW nickname, bar none.

Also, should we care about beating the Rays – are those feels we can feel?


Second Base: The remaining home schedule

What are you looking forward to seeing the most? Can the Orioles wrestle the 1/1 pick from the Detroit Tigers? Is this the final curtain call for certain members of the 2019 club?


Third Base: Is this a full regression to the John Means?

What accounts for his brutal second half, and does he have another run in him like he did before the All Star break? We also ask whether the Elias regime has more to offer this struggling young pitcher than others have in the past. What would have happened to a Brian Matusz under Elias?


Home Plate: Jonathan “Trade Value” Villar

If you had to bring back just one player to the 2020 Orioles, his name just might by “Trade Value.” We discuss the newest member of the 20/20 (Barbara Walters Fan) Club, and what happens next.


Fall Cleaning

Mike Elias has made considerable changes to the organization in the past week, firing 11 members of the front office/scouting department. We discuss what kind of change this represents, and whether we should really be surprised.



Fantasy Boss

Scott wins this round, bringing the score to an “intimate” 8-6-1. His pick, Trey Mancini, out oh-be-peed Jake’s selection, Hanser Alberto.

Jake counters with a dong-off. A dong-athon.

Scott picked Trey Mancini, and Jake went with Anthony Santander.


Who will own it?


The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Who had a great week? Who had a tough week? Who made us ashamed to be Orioles fans? Find out in this week’s GB&U. The guys run through their Good, Bad, and Ugly for the week.

Tweet us your selections @birdseyeviewbal with #OsGood, #OsBad, and #OsUgly.


Blowing the Save


Most podcasts try to end on a high note – the perfect coda to a quality program. That’s just not our style. Each week, we’ll end on a weak note, blowing the save with an item that didn’t quite fit into the episode, or something they simply need to get off their chests. It’s our version of taking the ball and pulling a Kevin Gregg.


Your Turn

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