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Tag: Jordan Westburg

  • Episode 395: Heat Wave

    We argue about sleep deprivation, ASG uniforms, and celebrate Buck Britton's appearance in All Star week. Yeah, our priorities are in the right place.

  • Episode 392: Let Them Eat Crab Cake

    While looking ahead to what the ballpark could become, we enjoy the incredible play we're seeing now.

  • Episode 391: Camden Stakes

    The superstars are super. The pitching is pretty good, and the vibes are immaculate.

  • Episode 369: Off the Cuff

    Error 404: regular format not found. We take the opportunity to take a more meandering path to our points than usual.

  • Episode 368: A Sense of Pride

    Sure, not everything is coming up roses for the Orioles, but things are still pretty good. We also bag on Adam Frazier on a night that he hits a clutch HR. Sounds about right for us.