Twitter Contest: “I’m Sorry, Wilson!”
In honor of starting this new site, and in an attempt to grow our community, we’re going to be having a contest for a one of kind piece of Orioles memorabilia.
For those of you that have been listening to the podcast, you may remember us discussing an experience at this year’s Orioles fanfest. We had purchased an autograph session for one of our favorite players, Wilson Betemit. Jake during the 2012 season made it a habit to stand up and scream, “Wilson! I’m Sorry, Wilson!” whenever Wilson Betemit made a play in the field or at the plate. For those that don’t understand the reference, let me clue you in:
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These moments were rare needless to say for Wilson, but we did get to see a great one during the April 29, 2012 game against the Oakland Athletics. A walk-off shot brought back some Orioles magic and Baltimore fans knew that this year might be different:
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Returning back to Fanfest, normal people show up asking for the players to sign a poster, or a bat, or a glove. We decided to think outside the box and have Wilson sign something a bit different. Based off Jake’s strange habits, we purchased a replica volleyball from the movie for Betemit to sign and add to our collection. As I waited in line waiting for the moment to sign, other fans, naturally, thought I was insane. Although nothing could have prepared me for the reaction from Wilson himself. Upon handing the ball to him, he gave the response, “What is this?”. Sitting next to Betemit for the autograph session was Jason Hammel who noticed the ball and immediately smiled and said, “It’s the ball from Cast Away. You know the movie?” With Betemit still confused, Hammel returned with, “Really? Wilson! I’m Sorry, Wilson!” Wilson laughed it off and quickly signed the ball and the rest is history. I’m pretty sure he still didn’t get the joke. That only adds to the absurdity.

We are going to take that piece of history and offer it up to Orioles community through a Twitter contest. In order to be able to win, you must follow us on Twitter and tweet us a message with #SorryWilson.
Once we have 250 followers that have tweeted us with the given response, we will make an announcement and directly contact the winner to receive their prize. Spread the word, internet. Don’t let your chance of having Wilson drift away.