About Us
So guys, what’s a “Bird’s Eye View”?
When it comes to the Orioles, this is your official source for a lack of insight, and baseless opinion.
It’s not just a stupid tagline, it’s our whole approach to the podcast. We don’t “cover the team” or “break news.” And we certainly don’t try to pass ourselves off as experts (who would believe us?). We’re genuine Orioles fans, who love talking Baltimore sports – from hard stats to impassioned hyperbole. Baseball is supposed to be fun, and the magic of Orioles baseball is unlike any other experience. It is through that lens that we offer our perspective: Bird’s Eye View will entertain, (very) occasionally inform, and more often than not, validate a little homerism.
Who is “Bird’s Eye View”?

Jake English
Jake has what might best be described as an Orioles “problem.” No matter how poorly the team treated him during the long losing streak, he just kept coming back for more. As the show’s optimist, he constantly looks for the silver lining in any terrible outcome. Whereas he acknowledges the value of advanced metrics, he thinks the pendulum has swung completely too far, and likes to balance statistical analysis with what he can see with his own two eyes.
Be warned: there is no length to which he won’t go for a pun. Such men can be dangerous.
Away from the podcast, Jake lives in Harford County with his beautiful (not to mention, tolerant) wife and two amazing kids. Some day, he’d like to build a boat. He loves reading, the Beatles, and he excels at pretending he’s not a grown up.

Scott Magness
Scott is by day a Process Engineer who likes to analyze and dissect topics through both analytical and statistical methodologies. This often bleeds over in his work on the Orioles leading to a sabermetric slant in the majority of articles and discussions.
Be warned: Abbreviations and multi-variable correlation analysis may occur. Such topics can be mind numbing to those not versed in them.
Where as the Orioles have over-achieved since 2012 based on the numbers, Scott is there often to put a damper on the success harping on the potential for statistical regression. However, he’ll be quick to point out that the game must be played in order to validate the projections and data sets.